. >> on the president's shandong province -- shutodown comments. he previously said a shutdown would be dangerous to the military. does he believe it would be necessary, even if members of the u.s. military would be negatively impacted? the only people that have caused a shutdown are the only people that have caused a shutdown are the democrats. democrats actually shut the government done a couple weeks ago. isn't looking for this, but if the democratic party is going to threaten a shutdown because they won't include responsible immigration reforms, fixing ms-13 loopholes, then the president welcomes that fight. it is a fight we are confident we would win again. the presidentour goal is to getr budget deal and to get a deal on immigration, which the president has generously laid out, addressing both republican and democrat concerns. >> is in the president encouraging shutdown? -- isn't the president encouraging a shutdown? sec. sanders: the president is encouraging people to do their jobs, to get a budget deal that helps our military, instead of a