valuable he for sparkling wine siberian, which was won in the nomination of the best sparkling wine sibirkoorn in 18 sibiryakov is one of the most valuable varieties. he is an aboriginal variety, namely our local relatives. no, not anywhere abroad. he is the original donskoy 40 and we have been working with him since 2005. it is very difficult to work with him, because he is very capricious, if we can lose the chairman of the competition, grigory chagadaev, has been evaluating the wines of south russia for 10 years during this time according to him winemakers note. on improved their samples were wines certainly, which one liked very much for its such, not even to say varietal frequency , of course. this is very important for wine, and more of its balance when learned already, but to balance that high level in viticulture and sugar accumulates a lot in the berries during cultivation. here we learned to balance due to acidity. we finally learned how to preserve it, but we became much more competent and better at working with oak barrels. for the first time this year, along with a blind tastin