it's part of spain's evolution, according to sidaway.dalucía and in spain, there's a century-long project of becoming european. that what spain has been seeking to do for... ever since it's lost its colonies, there's been a sense of becoming european, that the solution to spain's problems, spspain's decadence, spain's poverty, spain's sense of backwardness, is to become european. yeah? and that sense, and that vision is still very evident both in spain as a whole and in a marginal region like andalucía. so you see this in the continued drive for fast-transport infrastructure-- the sense of connection. the fast train line that has been built between madrid and seville-- one can travel between them in just a couple of hours-- is symbolic of this will to connect. narration: constructed in 1992 for the columbus expo, the high-speed madrid-seville train is a symbol of andalucía's desire to link with europe. the larger goal was to become part of the heartland instead of remaining an orchard for the rest of europe. could the sunshine and the qu