people working at "newsweek," 70 at "the daily beast," now a combined company, is it inevitable, sidney harman, there will be no, ma'am job cultcul -- some job cuts? >> it is inevitable if we merge two organizations intelligently, there will be some modification. i so dislike that emphasis on job cuts. what we're here to do is produce a stunningly effective combination and to save as many jobs as possible. >> tina brown, these negotiations with you and sidney harman and of course barry diller, the chief executive of iac, your parent company, went on for quite a while, a lot of jockeying over who would control that, it fell apart, you said the prenup was too difficult for this marriage, and yet here you are. how was this marriage saved? >> i have to say it was really saved by sidney, because one of the great common denominators in all the discussions was our sense that sidney was a person who really cared about journalism, you know, that we know that in taking over "newsweek" we really has done something amazingly courageous because he's basically stuck his neck out and said i believe in great