but basically by the 1840s napoleon is working in the office of sidney howard gay what they call the anti-slavery office with this newspaper is published by this main job is to go in the fugitive slave. he scours the docs, after looking for those hidden on both the win william steele since people by train from philadelphia to new york louis napoleon goes and meets them at the train depot and brings them to the office and in their sent upstate new york and canada. the interesting thing and louis napoleon goes to court to get writs of habeas corpus for people who are brought, slaves were brought to the states try to get them free. what's interesting is he is illiterate. there are papers of his marked with an expertise signs his name with an x. and yet he was an activist, very courageous and even has come he takes part in legal cases. so he's a remarkable guy and i had known nothing about them until i discovered him in again manuscript. you mentioned john jay the second pick in one case napoleon versus limit where napoleon had gotten this writ of habeas corpus to free some slaves brough