probably in july that is what sidney hoyer has talked about an lindsey graham on the senate judiciary committee and mitch mcconnell who obviously runs the floor in the senate. >> host: we are talking about the 911 victims compensation fund in the segment of the washington journal, your money segments. special lines in the segment 2,027,488,000 if you live in eastern or central time zones and want to call in or have a question or comment, mountain or pacific time zone (202)748-800 (202)748-8001 and then special phone line for family members of 911 victims will keep that line. [laughter] the segment (202)748-800 (202)748-8002 michael, is doing us as a reporter for the new york daily news. you been covering this issue from the beginning even from the aftermath of the 911 attacks. can you talk about how far back you go on this topic connect. >> guest: i go back to the day it happened. i worked in new york at the time he lived in brooklyn so when the traffic reporter on the bs that a small plane had flown into the world trade center because that's apparently what would like to him from far