to protect america from cybercrime and cyber terrorism we have developed a plan for siebel -- cyber securityith public and private sector brains putting it together. we are asking for increased funding to implement the plan and protect our viable networks. that is something else i hope you will support. we talk about computer viruses and often forget the world is also threatened by physical infections like malaria, tb and aids. some people questioned me when our administration announced we considered the aids crisis a national security threat. let me just give you a couple of examples. in africa alone, there are 70% of the worlds aids cases. the fastest growing rate of aids is in india, which happens to be a nuclear power. in africa, some countries are hiring two employees for every job on the assumption that one of them will die from aids. in other countries, 30% of the teachers and 40% of the soldiers have the virus. in addition, millions of people suffer from malaria, and about one third of the world has been exposed to tb, a disease that can reach our shores at the speed of jack trammell