sieber also arranged for horn to live with the apaches and learn lightning -- language and customs. had aaintained that he very good ear for languages and veryed the apache tongue quickly and in fact the apaches gave him an apache name, talking boy. horn maintained that this name talking boy was a consequence of languages.y with the truth is, a contrary tradition exists in the apache community today and they say he got the name talking boy because he was boastful and talkative. couldn't keep his mouth shut. futureso says that in negotiations between the apaches geronimo.s. army, insisted that only he, tom horn, do the interpreting. that, horn then devotes ast of his autobiography to narration of various battles in which he claimed to play the primary or at least a role. horn concluded his book with a few guarded references to the tonto basin rustlers war and as a pinkerton operative. he stopped abruptly with his arrival in wyoming in 1892 the newspapers had covered his life since that time. secondrd to the obstacle, finding the real tom that has grownd up around him, i found almost