. -- siemens corporation. his role is working with creative places. welcome to the broadcast. where is it a cutting edge? where does this innovation pay off in terms of consumer or just a better world because of it? >> speaking in energy terms where i belong to, there are a lot of opportunities and activities i think we are leading, because we have -- we call it a portfolio where we identified what are the products which are about average technology. interestingly, it came out that those products and solutions are so many available today where we are heading things, whether it is the world class -- where we have a best record worldwide. a 60% of efficiency. or is it very well approved wind turbine what we are producing. or you have class transmission grit technology or energy losses that are very, very low, and to allow to transmit power over very, very long distances. >> how are you overcoming land loss, which can be as much as 12% in many places, the thing you just talked about, loss of electricity. what is the technology that reverses that? >> what we there use is high volt