i'm siena. let's start with our top story for this week. doing tobacco is really bad for you. in fact, students in arizona just won't stand for it. scott explains. >> teens from the group known as stand against tobacco journeyed to phoenix, the state capital, to give the government a piece of their mind. >> stand means... >> stand means... >> ...students... ...students... ...students... >> ...taking a new... >> ...taking a new... ...taking a new...... >> taking a new direction. >> together: stand! whoo! >> they came together for national kick butts day, a day to raise awareness about the negative effects tobacco has on the teenage body. students showed paintings, made posters, and did all kinds of community-service projects. >> it's a tar jar. it's basically a year's worth of tar from one pack a day of smoking cigarettes. this is how much tar will be in your lung. >> the plastic box is a bunch of cigarette butts, and what we're showing is that cigarette butts are a huge problem, especially in parks. they're -- they're extremely bad for the environment, and people litter them a