sigar's 11 lessons learned report, which i have a copy. i hope you all have it, too, is a retrospective on all of our previous lessons learned reports. and it was issued to coincide with the 20th anniversary of our intervention in afghanistan. ironically, it was released by sheer coincidence right before kabul fell. the seven key lessons we identified in which i'm happy to expound upon in the question period, are instructive not only for afghanistan but it's important. it's for anywhere else we may try to undertake a similar project again. and they form the basis of our work, the ongoing work answering the questions from congress. now, while sigar has identified these key lessons, there is without question much more to be learned as we dig into what happened in washington and kabul during the months, weeks, days, and hours before ghani fled and the taliban walked into his palace. i sincerely hope we will have cooperation from every corner of the u.s. government, as we undertake this work. i dare anyone to say that these matters are no long