sigel's, whether itunes ingalls or before that, singles that were playing on fixed media also have very uniform pricing. so when itunes came out with a 99-cent price point for a single track, that ended up sticking fairly quickly in becoming quite standardized. in the book business we don't really have a history of that. if you look at hard covers, they might be $25, paperbacks' might be $14, children's books perhaps four or $5. or up to $15 for illustrated books, and we have pricing if you walk into a bookstore that is truly all over the map. we may have condensation of pricing but i don't see a uniformity of pricing and therefore i am somewhat less concerned although still generally concerned about pricing but somewhat less concerned we are going to be locked in by a single competitor to a single price point as the music industry has been. >> guest: when you say about copyright, that you saw the consolidation of round of price point of $10 for books let's say, through candle, is there any reason to think consumers want it used to a lower price but just as they have gotten used to a mu