it is a concerning sighn. -- sign. windows 10 is critical ended success is critical but people still want to see performance at a windows. >> i also noticed that the sales to existing cloud clients look like it was down. >> part of it is they were a victim of their own success. cloud is still a piece of overall revenue. that is -- in order for that to get taken to the next level, a lot of it is dependent on the windows 10 upgrade cycle and dependent on what we will see out of pc's in terms of this headwind that is forming and currency and some of the softness they talked about with china and japan in the conference call. they will be going through the transition but when it comes through, it will be the microsoft one that with windows 10, much more cloud focused much less focused on the pc. part of that also is they need to be aggressive on m&a. they have more cash than some countries and they need to start to utilize that. they talked about the buyback program. [indiscernible] on cyber security as well as cloud. >> da