fraternity that bloomberg news has reported as having the most fraternity related deaths is sigma alpha epsilon. but will this change hazing? i was in the greek system, and i remember all too well that the national organizations instructing chapters to do something didn't necessarily comply. do you really think that getting rid of pledging really means getting rid of haying? >haying? not necessarily. i think what we'll see in the implementation stage what will happen. but you're absolutely right. there are things that happen at a national organization that are important. because that sets the tone and it's what we value and put our resources, so that's important. and i applaud their effort in making a bold move. whether it transfers to every organization, we'll see. but things don't always go along with all of our organizations. all of our offices right now say that hazing is not allowed, and they have strong policies about that, but we know that hazing occurs. but that's no reason to discredit it. because deciding what we value and is important matters as we say who we are and what we're tryin