as a psychopath and a deviant and a widow but if we were able to find a way to sort of encouraged sika pass through a process that rather than punishment encouragement to try and get in to identify more pro-social girls and to understand how other people will respond to that more unappealing social traits that say that that's a callous behavior for the people i think that would be a very productive way for it and there's been some work in creating social microcosms in the prison service and the forensic mental health services the high seat here mental hospitals in the u.k. to try to create the social microcosms web site or past work with other psychopaths and stuff to try and create a community a therapeutic community that allows them to explore more preprocessor girls than the offending that they've been so used to in their lives so that's promising i'm none of it's got great evidence yet but nothing as far as like a pass go you get does really the ultimate reason thank you and making is like about my journey and if i'm dangerous my that now that i'm the show. we'll be back on wednesd