going to be supporting sikander billion interesting it so there isn't going to be at the floor of the day to read very. well syria highly educated and that's something you desperately need to lead us. to ravish coming to this through your relation your. wireless router you think we would actually see that same scenario play out here in the united states where we've seen an increase we've seen a in the u.k. we think americans would be rioting marching on those three it's going up to protest at the capitol building rowboat. to sixty six i'm stuck sure it's just because. if we really are scary year if we are places we are right and we are all great research interest rates will spike you live. eight concerts at dead and you have a severe crisis just like the one you are used really sure you know merkel and the iron does not. cause the united states to lessen certainly i would say to this country that i love dearly is doing everything you can right now just to set. up. as soon as you can all the more reason we're covering a story and telling americans to look over what's going on in greece