best celebration by a redskins player goes to silas, the locker room celebrations and this shot of some guy in a neck brace. yes. that's all you need to know. we know how you feel. our dave owens always on fire said this when skins runningback tops a yard for more than ten yards, fans are like n. yeah, they are. my personal favorite came from a twitter user, let the colt roam indeed. instagram was a hot spot for celebrations. jacqueline posted this picture. how about them cowboys. posted a picture of a baby sleeping. this is how redskins fans sleep tonight. another user posted this, tony romo with a nike swish you blue it. adam on instagram had some fun with kevin hart dallas fans before, during and after. but the real star of the night is tony wiley of the redskins when colt mccoy was approached by another reporter on the field for an interview, well, let's just listen. >> no means no. no means no. no means no. >> reporter: no means no he says and he meant it. our own wusa9 newsroom was full of celebrations last night. derek mcginty and omar mohamed clearly happy for the outco