. -- john silber. he thinks that we do need to keep tenure. i think tenure has protected some very smart people who have said some defending things that needed to be said. i understand my argument grows them under the bus, sort of. i interviewed a former assistant secretary of education who now works on education reform issues. ummed up that saving the jobs of 400 conservatives is not worth saving the jobs of 400 liberals. he says with attrition is so out of balance now that the idea that we will keep this system because of a few conservative professors out there [unintelligible] . >> what is the cherry award? >> its a teaching award. you get maybe $200,000 for being basically the best professor in america. a couple years ago when i was at the journal i did a story about the three finalists. it's given out by baylor university. you can nominate you, students can nominate you, other professors can nominate you. the committee eventually judges the finalists and decides who will win the award based on their ability to convey information to studen