hall. i called silly call. i am appalled. -- i acall it silly hall. you can have so much closeness that they have never even met before. i will give you a good example. the board of supervisors, mayor's office of economic development force, and even cao's office. there is a disconnect. therefore in our community there is even more disconnect. what is the remedy? someone will have to be responsible started from room to hundred and coming all the way down, because there is a disconnect in the community, particularly african-americans in this plan, project early with the mayor. somebody left us with no shelter, with no remedy to do anything. we have the comptroller's office that has a report that is very crucial to us that we did not know about the redevelopment agency. the money that we spent, we do not know where it went. yet the comptroller's office will be in part of controlling redevelopment agency. my supervisor asked them for an audit and they have not got it yet. there is corrupt us here at silly hall. i have been around here longer than any was