>> my name is silva thompson i'm in the board of appeals and hear to listen to what everybody has to say about the appeal and to talk about the ways that make that in a more important form. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none we'll move to item 2 commissioners questions or comments commissioners. >> no okay. then item 3 commissioners our consideration of the june 24, 2015, minutes any additions, deletions, or changes delegations to the minutes do i have a motion. >> so moved. >> any public comment on the minutes okay. seeing none mr. pacheco if you could call the roll please. there's a motion on the floor from the vice president to adopt the june 24th, 2015, commissioner fung commissioner president lazarus commissioner wilson commissioner swig thank you. the vote is 5 to zero those minutes are adopted. >> item 4 a rehearing to the subject property on ashbury street the board received a letter from the appellant for the rehearing for this ryan versus decided may 13 at a point the board voted with commissioner swig recused to uphold the permitted with the revised plans on t