. -- silvio burlisconi has tried to calm financial markets. >> his address had been awaited eagerly. there was a long time of silence. he painted a rosy picture of the economic state and he did his best to ensure foreign investors that italy is still a safe place to put their money. it was significant that he waited until after the markets have closed. >> let's remember that the country's economically and financially solid, a difficult time that knows how to be coherent. the government and the parliament will certainly act with political since census to deal with any kind of threat to our financial stability. >> the economics minister sat passively next to the prime minister while he was speaking. earlier in the day, he had rushed to luxembourg for emergency talks with the eurozone chief. the italians were fearful that they could soon find themselves dragged into a greased style financial crisis. italy cannot sustain the over 6% interest rate that they will now be called upon to pay to service their mountain of debt. this was the last session of the italian parliament before the summ