on a bill stephens how much went to not in uganda to find out simba sims teach spice teach it if for any question traits as she makes a new dress surely recently was able to train as a sense dress as part of a youth and project how what distracts from a terrible memories in 26 didn't she fled with her family from water south sudan to uganda. on the way of the rebels came they took up property tortured us in different ways and beat us. levels it's like millions of others from south sudan as well as rwanda or the d.r. see edith and her family found refuge in uganda refugee aid here functions differently compared to the rest of the world people are not just confined to a camp like in kenya refugees who arrive here immediately given a work permit and the land which is provided by the communities and their new neighbors who hand over parts of their land they also receive monthly benefits we have ice and foot as well because when we give them food get that is restricted to the 4 that we've given them but then you give them cash they have the option to buy and supplement what about that deb