. >> thanks, similtim. i'm sam ericson from nelson nigard. all right. let's see if i can work this mouse. oh, it makes noises. let's see...do i need to hit this button? >> i'm not sure. there, you got it. >> all right. all right all right. been through that. so what is a quality review? so it has three pieces. and the first piece is that it's an analysis of the transit performance, which is things like reliability and safety. and then, we look at output from the tools that muni uses to collect the data to make sure it's telling us what we think it's telling us, and then, the third thing is we confirm that the data is reported to the public in a way that's easy for everyone to understand. we make recommendations on those things. since the last audit, the sfmta has improved the way it communicates with the public. for example, it has rebranded what used to be known as the limited buses to the rapid, which is a little bit more intuitive and user friendly actually what the service is. and it has also increased the ability for people to play around with the