right above us, they saw our falcons, like blind... no, that is , the nameless pilot with whom siminovivanovich pozhidaev, wow, the best navigator of the regiment, my navigator, and pazhidaev himself, how many did he still live? unfortunately, on august 31, 1942, he died during a combat mission. also on tb-3, yes, on tb-3. the documents indicate that it was not possible to send a funeral to the wife; after the evacuation from voronezh, her address was unknown. we do not know whether she eventually received the news of her husband's death. the fate of this plane at the beginning of world war ii was very tragic, since its speed of 250 km/h was such that it was easy to shoot down. in a different way, they should have dealt with the horn, as it was with little blood on foreign territory, but although the great... domestic developed according to a completely different scenario, the war tb3 they weren’t written off right away, but even before the berezina, on june 23-24, 1941, they successfully defeated german airfields, for example, in suwalki. the black sea fleet aviation returned to the z