simka said, destroy it, do you hear, yes, i understand, i’m disconnecting, wait. up, so should i go to him again, no, try typing optimus with a capital letter, yeah, silver with a small letter, yes. and skip to the twenty-fifth, why? well, apparently they put it in the mirror right after you and your father won, right at night before the explosion, so wait, at least a little bit ago, come on, come on, yes, this, this is what it is? is this a hoverboard? and somewhere i’ve already seen this, where, by chance, is this the negyroscotor of your barig? morpheus, not my bars, i mean, not only mine, okay, stop building yourself up here, because i don’t know how you nerds take a stimulant before an exam, wait, this is the one who hangs around the university, right all the time? her face is deified, uh-huh, that means arfey planted the explosives, and he couldn’t have had a relationship with lika, but it’s unlikely, she wasn’t interested in outcasts, yes, yes, he has nothing to do with the case, i think, so, he did order, but now we have video evidence of your innocence, a