it's much more than rap, you've got the stars of poetry, simon armitage, to hollywood stars like journeyns, something for everyone. -- journey irons. ——jeromy —— jeromy irons. sheet of swerving to solitude of skies and scarecrows. -- swerving to. i've been known to write a few. it's a rich tradition in lancashire, turning up at weddings with a little ditty but i wouldn't put myself in the same class as some of the writers i'll be reading this week in any shape or form. what is exciting is to see the whole accent, the whole language just taking its place on this global stage. so much there but you can't have a poetry festival without the legend thatis poetry festival without the legend that is the punk poetjohn cooper clarke, can you ? that is the punk poetjohn cooper clarke, can you? neewatt an absolute gem, he even took time out to share his top three tips on how to a performance poet. a doorbell used to say dingdong but now it bursts out into song, if i'm following it won't be long, could i be wrong or have i falle n be long, could i be wrong or have i fallen in love with my wife? you