and as you note at the simon bolivar buckner division, then temporarily under the command of brigadiergeneral bush, rod ross, that division actually will largely be be sent to long straight to operate against burnside and patrick claiborne division was the other one that was tapped to go knoxville, but it will be recalled just in in time. but but what it is real what really is important about what bragg had not was that he had not darvel kept a true defensive position along missionary ridge. now you might notice that i've been using word a long missionary ridge, because initially when bragg came up from the chickamauga battlefield in late september and found the union army fortifying itself in the one square mile zone and, the band of the tennessee river there, where on the map you can see the the union fortifications right around. the city of chattanooga, bragg, had deployed army along the western base of missionary ridge, not on missionary ridge itself, along the western base of the ridge, and then across the valley between ridge and lookout mountain and over the northern tip of moun