soldiers who have lost their lives serving in afghanistan since the house last sat -- corporal simon hornby lance corporal michael pritchard, lance corporal christopher roney, lance corporal tommy brown, rifleman aidan howell, sapper david watson and private robert hayes. i would also like to pay my own tribute to david taylor, who sadly died during the christmas recess. i was once one of the mep's for his area, and he had a reputation then -- and always has -- as an outstanding constituency mp and someone who always spoke his own mind. my heart goes out to his wife pam and his four daughters. last weekend, the prime minister said that he was all in favour of aspiration. could he explain to us exactly what is aspirational about a tax system that he has created in which the poorest 20% pay more from their income in tax than the richest 20%? >> it was because of all these things that we introduced the tax credit system, which is the means by which we take people out of poverty. we reward work for people who are in work, and for people who pay income tax it removes their liability by giving th