what simon johnson said we have to break up the bank. he ignores a couple things in this. again, we ban, this was driven by mortgages being given outside the banking system on the whole. by non non-banks, some banks wee abusive. we make that illegal. that's enough to the discretion of the regulators. there will be no more of this inappropriate effort to push people into homes they couldn't afford. we severely, we say you can't make all these loans and then sell the whole loan. we also say that there i don't know crises. let me tell you, you look at aig which was a precipitating crises for this. we banned what aig did in a number of ways. i think mr. johnson if he really that said i'm disappointed. yes he wanted us to break up all the bank. i agree with paul volker and others to break up every institution right now at an economy that's still just recovering, to force massive fire sales all at once could have been destabilizing. instead we substitute up to bad practice. aig no longer will anybody be able to do what aig did, namely indebt themselves through these derivatives