the german city of bond, named after simon ley thinks it has found a way. using the sex tax meter prostitutes can purchase a ticket for about $90 a night. >> they must have a ticket of them after doing business in one of the specially built wooden parking garages. violators face fines or could be banned. some say they already pay income tax. here is what some say. >> learn to speak english, lady. >> let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning round. >> what do you make of this revenue generating scheme. >> the fun, fun, fun, of the auto ban. >> i don't think you probably absorbed the feelings. >> i wouldn't have expected any kind of answer. >> that's how i feel. >> as long as you have expressed yourself honestly, how can i attack you for your answer? >> i don't understand it. but now i do. >> should this happen in america where you live illegally? >> i thought you were asking should this happen? should it happen? i'm ticked. i thought it was already happening. and they are charging the extras saying they were due to taxes. >> it is actually a little toaster o