sense of cooperation and wanting everyone to succeed, which is why i am excited today to talk to simon sinic the author of the new book "leaders eat last." great to see you, simon. this is the thing that every owner is jealous of when had they see a great corporate culture. in your studies you go back to the beginning of man to figure out how this works. >> well, i think people forget that trust and cooperation are not instructions. you can't tell people to trust you, and you can't instruct employees to cooperate. they're feeling. and those feelings come from the era when man started walking on planet earth because it was a matter of survival. we lived in a dangerous world. and if we didn't trust and cooperate, we would get eaten or succumb to the elements. >> when you work there is also elements out there. there's competition, a bad economy out there and you need to work together. >> exactly the same. all the systems in our bodies are designed for our survival and designed to get us to trust and cooperate. there are certain chemicals in our bodies that incentivize us to repeat behaviors in