president, sister simone campbell is somebody who i greatly respect. sister simone campbell is executive director of "network," a national catholic social justice lobby. she is also one of the organizers of nuns on the bus, catholic nuns who have traveled all over the united states speaking out on issues of social justice. she has sent us a statement opposing the ayotte amendment. and it's a lengthy statement. i won't read it all but i do want to read several parts that i think are important. sister simone campbell says, "to set the record straight, children targeted by the ayotte amendment do exist and they do live in the u.s. 4 million of them are u.s. citizens. others are little dreamers, young children brought to this country by their families. under existing tax laws, their families may apply for the child tax credit if they qualify financially. if fraud is suspected, the solution is not to deny all eligible children access to this critical antipoverty program. that is cruel and ineffective." those are the words of sister simone campbell in refere