joining me now is one of the protagonists in israel-ism, simone zimmerman. e before october the 7th. did you ever imagine that there would be this kind of backlash? i mean, it appears as though in the name of fighting antisemitism, folks are trying to stop a movie about jewish people. >> yes, thank you so much for having me that he, it's good to be here. yeah, you know the foreign relations strategy of the israeli government relies on the idea that all jews agree with what they are doing. unfortunately for them, there has never, ever been agreement in jewish history, about anything, especially not such matters as life or death, and the safety of our own people. so yeah, and young people, young jews just like young people all-round the country, we are watching, live on our phones right now, the live stream of atrocities straight from the gaza strip, from people who look like us, who think like us, who just want to be safe and free and to pursue their dreams like we do. and, the film actually tells the story of young jews like me and thousands around the countr