and nine hundred ninety four about one million people were killed in rwanda just one hundred sixty simonson by the neighborhood's . sixty six to. rwanda suffered the trauma of murder and brutal violence of into tribal conflict today just over two decades own the nation has recovered to the point of becoming one of africa's most peaceful countries children now attending ballet classes. he was managing. him for to know. where. he was it may be called caroline he she was a teacher. and she opened her own school so she continued in two years ago i think. and then she went back to the wrist and then i knew that sort. of both are sorry. it's not going to be about him kids so she'll do. as a company and that just for how those are on for the proposition of having it but it's pretty. when i was really young clay used to start by leo's like. a ten way he came fencing so in only p.h.m. or like this already it is. something like. these. it should be interesting and it's the only thing. those five minutes. as. it's a little. ethan. actually the most challenge is to find teacher because we. we really do