as good finisher since the difficult bit is having liquid water simonyan you don't just need age to well you need enough atmospheric pressure and atmosphere i mean on the moon there's no atmosphere so there's never been are you left with want to. give birth sat mystere hadn't been dense enough the water would have evaporated into space in the form of vapor. fortunately the gas produced in abundance by the volcanoes maintained enough of an atmospheric pressure for earth to be able to hold onto its early oceans. but the oceans of the young earth soon faced another danger that of freezing over. the sun was still weak 30 percent less bright than it is now earth therefore needed a greenhouse effect to keep its surface warm enough and its water in a liquid state. this greenhouse effect appeared very early on in earth's history thanks to the water vapor and c o 2 abundantly present in the atmosphere. to no 6 today of course we know that c o 2 increased by human activity is a bad thing but too much isn't good but we needed some back there and still do if there wasn't a bit in the atmosphere the