that's simopoulos. that's mazurek. -- justice sotomayor: well, wait a minute -- justice kagan: so every abortion facility has to hit the standards of mgh. that would be all right? mr. keller: well, there would have to be medical evidence. it is at a minimum disputed. in here, their experts have conceded that doctors believe this this is precisely where there's a medical disagreement, even if you don't accept our medical testimony, although it was admitted into the record. justice kagan: i'm sure that there's medical evidence that if every hospital, if every facility was as good as massachusetts general, they would be better facilities. i'm sure that you could find doctors to say that, because mgh, it's a great hospital. but that would be okay, even though it's not applied to any other kind of facility doing any other kind of procedure, even though we know that liposuction is times more dangerous, yet doesn't have the same kinds of requirements. mr. keller: and that was the holding in simopoulos. and in