simpkin: with the human population growth globally, the world has been more intensification in terms of producing food for humans. we all know the impact of livestock in terms of being blamed for global warming.g. in some countries, there's g gonna be ls rainfall or higher variability in the rainfall. and the camel is going to be one of the best adapted animals to deal with that. so really they are an animal of the e future. announcer: "earth focus" is made possible in part by the orange county community foundation and the farvue fofoundation. well we at bioneers have worked long and hard to cover many of the critically important issues of our time as possisible, and to be as inclusive of as many of the groups working for justice, peace, and a healthy planet as we can. we ve always included presenters from a wide range of backgrounds, working in a broad spectrum of domains. indigenous voices have been central to bioneers since we started, and early on we saw the critical importance of the environmental justice movement and sought to highlight leaders whose message was that social jus