here are two key ideas, simplity and standards. i think they would help with one big problem that we call the poverty trap. you see, the central planners aren't very good at planning at all. washington tackles problems in a half hazard back a mole approach and poverty is no exception. it is just the nature of the beast. so, before lyndon johnson even became president, we had medicaid head start and job corps among others. soon after he left office, washington kept adding to the alphabet soup. he list goes on. the government created different programs to solve different problems at different times, there is little to no correlation among them. because these programs are means tested, meaning families become ineligible to him as they make more money, poor families effectively face very high arginal tax rates. if a single mom living in colorado's income jumps, she won't keep the rest of it. instead, she'll lose most of it to higher tax cuts. if she's enrolled in programs like food stamps and others, it will be as high as 55%. if she's