finishes with a school best record of 18-and- 1...they're he first number one seed to win the title sincc virgiiiaid it in 2006.. the terps fall in the straiiht year...e for the 2nd - don't look now, but he air might be leaking out of the oriile baloon..they re coming off back tt back series losses for the first time all year, and tonight, weee trying to things did not go well... tommy hunter gives up 6 runs beat the birds 6-2...torooto's - startee 21--ear-old drew strikeeuts in 7 shutout innings...adam jones did extend his hit streak to 19 games in the loss...o's lose their 3rd straight game for nly the 2nddtime this year... of sports unlimited...i'm ruce cunninamimited...i'm