joining us is john donaldson of singapore management university john that when beijing says it has eradicated poverty what does that mean and is it an accurate statement. well there were 2 important words that she said when when he when he made the announcement recently declaring victory one was rural so it's has nothing to do with urban poverty and the other one was absolute poverty so what they're claiming is that you know in terms of a relatively low poverty line that that is what the entire population is under now is it true i don't know any serious scholar who thinks that china has even in terms of absolute rural poverty has a radek aided poverty has china made a humongous leap forward has it made a contribution that is very very likely to be true and so what more does the country need to do in its fight against you mentioned rule of versus urban i don't know if you want to focus on one over the other and of course the growing inequality divide there. and those are 3 very very important issues all 3 of them are very difficult to tackle and you have to tackle them differently in terms of