possible, whican infrastructure that's ready to goplace whenou need to fax, that's veell set out in singarejust because it sees itself as a telecommunications hub. sein:we he investy inorts-- both seaport and airport facili-- plus telecommunications facilities. and we have also focused on human resource management, in promoting and developing management know-w antechnical know-how to suort all ese tivies it's really a combination of all these factors that has made singapore so successful. narrator: tiny singapore has made the most of its location on one of the worls busiest warways. perched on the pacific rim, singapore has attracted investments by multinational corporations and built itself into one of the region's most successful economic tigers. the region of southeast asia and south pacific includes the continent countrya while several of this region's aeconomic tigersc we will see how australia's physical geographyrces, aus. has influenced its economy and explore its changingemograics. and stngthened its aits asian connecon,rope austraa seeksto make et of its location along the pacific