a meeting of wen jiabao, look, jacob zuma and manmohan singh.that group did break the political deadlock. and reached an agreement. which broke through a failed expectations in terms of funding and reduction commitments and the conflict between the u.s. and the key developing countries over the verification. the agreement included a 2-degree target, a significant step beyond what had ever been in the kyoto protocol but excluded the implementation of that target through 50% reduction in global emissions and 85% reduction in industrialized countries emissions. it included commitments by all of the major sources of emissions north and south remarkable but when you add those of the are not nearly enough to achieve the to degree target, real attention there. it included provisions for verification of implementation of those commitments. countries have to provide background information and respond to questions. it reflected progress that had been made on a set of key issues ranging from reduced deforestation to technology to adaptation funding but did