en el evento improbable de que su firma de corretaje cierre, sipc está ahí para protegerlo. sipc.? no importa. se lo deletrearemos. visite nos www.sipc.org. >> so many places to go and so many ways to get there. sometimes there are too many choices. how do we count all those things and then organize them so that we can make sense of it all? by looking to the mathematical world of combinatorics. meet charlie, the regional claims adjuster for an insurance company. on the road as usual, visiting clients, solving problems, and trying to get to five different job sites as quickly and efficiently as possible so he can get home to his daughter sarah's birthday party. his problem: finding the best way to organize his trip, taking into consideration the distance between each client, possible time spent with each client, and the most efficient route. sometimes the number of possibilities seems overwhelming, even when we're faced with only a few choices, but we have to make decisions anyway. did he make the right choice? let's count the ways. counting things seems so simple. children do it i