and that leader, i think, needs to be sisa. think the biden administration missed a great opportunity to do that in national security memorandum 22, even though sisa was telling them to do it and asking for that lead responsibility. they did not get it. i think we need to, as we redo national security memorandums and things, i think an upgrade to that to put sisa in charge. this is a bipartisan issue, you know, this committee created cisa. you need it to be the leader -- the leader on the hill. in the aftermath of the loper bright decision, the chevron deference precedent, mr. chairman, i think this is a perfect opportunity for us to be specific in this committee and to take what admiral montgomery is saying and designate a lead agency and actually tell the agencies what we want them to do, not just give them the open blank chalkboard to write what they think is best, but for congress to take an oversight role. in your written testimony, admiral montgomery, you used the term lying in wait when you're referring to the volt typho