it says here that you are sisin semyon okorovich, an installer. this is not my document.ot mine and the document is not my credit either. well, i say, he says, everything is clear, he will explain everything, comrades. i came here. not one with me your famous animal husbandry friends, no. and professor chizhov, here he is now in the hospital, he will call, he will confirm it for you. no, i am a citizen based on no one i trust. i believe in documents and i believe in seals. and you can be here, maybe the whole thing, that a gang of oatmeal nerds. yes. and you will be at each other in a fairy tale and they will tell. you are a rubber stamp, you believe, but you don’t believe the human word. no, but do n’t worry. sit here. i brought it now. absolutely a nightmare a gang was discovered, personally discovered, i even know the nicknames write down. livestock surgeon the ringleader is an architect, he is obviously a gunner. and also very necessary. i am very needed. so, when you sleep on your left side, you don’t have a nightmare that you are suffocating, so how do you say that