eventually saw one of the alleged bombers killed and the other wounded and taken into custody artes and sissy churkin a look back at the bitter events. mayhem took place here at an area still cordoned off at a sporting event that attracted tens of thousands of participants and thousands of spectators from all over the world two bombs went off just seconds apart from each other at the finishing line of the boston marathon the explosions were so strong. ripping off. leaving three people dead and over a hundred and seventy five people injured despite all of the money the united states spends on security it was a surveillance camera of a department store that helped pinpoint the two brothers behind the tragedy several memorials like this one have been set up throughout the city of boston to remember the victims of the three people who died including an eight year old boy two young women a twenty nine and twenty three year old over a dozen victims remained in critical condition for several days many of them needing follow up surgeries despite having between the two suspects lived in an apartment on the th