the source of hostility had been shown in the past never to the sixten that and later on another ministration came in even though the maintained in principle that they have to build this with the i.c.c. and its jurisdictional reach they still did assist the court in very many wasting looting referring the darfur situation to the court the united states government did move for time and in doing so when you're dealing with them trying to take ministration i want to like once i can and when they voted in the security council to refer to the 4 situation to the i.c.c. they said they voted because they did not like the idea of impunity and for that reason that they were referring notwithstanding the reservations about the court this is not just a refusal to cooperate this is a threat to take punitive measures against anyone even daring to investigate the actions of americans on the club or their closest allies with a view to holding them accountable in an international court i.c.c. judges and prosecutors who investigate americans will be barred from entering the us and their funds in the us would b