today i'm going to meet with at&t, sizen, other -- verizon, other companies like them. we also wok together to provide services to consumers in many ways as well. >> host: well, here to help us explore some of the policy issues is paul barbagallo, he's a reporter. mr. barbagallo, welcome. >> thank you. hi, jeff. >> guest: it's good to see you. >> good to see you. so one policy initiative at the federal communications commission that has affected your company is universal service fund reform. and a year ago this month the fcc put forth a major restructuring plan to convert $4.5 billion subsidy fund that had focused mainly on helping, helping companies pea for -- par the cost of providing rural telephone service, and they've converted this into a broadband subsidy fund. so a year lateerer, has the fcc achieved its goal? >> guest: well, there were two parking lots to that, right? huge changes in terms of intercarry compensation, which the way in which we pay one another. and there needed to be a great deal of clarification around that issue. and then the second part of tha