yeah, he does looklike about the sizeof australia. what happened to your suit? we took it intoyour cleaning store, and it came backlike this! oh, tom! i'm sorry about this stain. we'll send these trousers back, and george will clean them again. i'm afraid this stain is permanent. even the bestcan't get outevery gravy stain. this stain is not gravy. it's chocolate. how do you know? i didn't want to come here making reckless accusations! there was no stain when we brought them in. it must've happened at your cleaners. unless the customer left a chocolate barin the pockets. i did not! it's my policyto pay for everything. what do i owe? $400. that's a lotfor a suit-- but this couldcover yankeestadium's infield. anyway, we payfor everything, even if it isyour fault. there was no chocolate bar in this pocket. there's a principle involved here. the truth is your store's at fault. george offered to pay. let's leave it at that, ok? i'm sorry, i can't. not until george admits it's his mistake. next time, take themwhere they handlebig jobs like that. like the clevelandblim