wasn't sizwe bansi a ghost? - no, buntu. - wasn't he? - no. - when that bloody white man at the labor bureau grabbed you by the collar, what did he see when he looked at your face? a man with dignity and respect or another dom book with an n.i. number? isn't that a ghost? walk to the white suburb, that little child says to its mother, "mama, look at that boy. isn't that a ghost?" all i want you to be is a real ghost if that's what they want us to be. be a bloody ghost, man, if that's what they've turned us into. why can't you be a spook? spook the lot of them to hell. suppose you try my idea? suppose you take this book and you get that job at felt & textiles? friday, 3:00 in the afternoon, it's pay time. roughcasting, section c, non-skilled laborers, one line. the white man sits there with that big box full of the wage packets in line. he picks up the first one, "john kani." "yes, sir." pay packet over. "thank you, sir." he picks up the next one, "winston ntshona." "yes, sir." pay packet over. "thank you, sir." he picks up the next one,